Waitrose standardises on MINIpowerPLUS for EPOS support
Waitrose has chosen MINIpowerPLUS UPS from KOHLER Uninterruptible Power to provide flexible, easy-maintenance support for its EPOS systems. MINIpowerPLUS is specified for all store new-builds and refurbishments, and will gradually replace existing UPS installations in an ongoing swap-out programme, ultimately providing power protection in more than 180 stores of the Waitrose group.
“When we embarked on upgrading our EPOS systems we were unsure of the future power requirement and a solution with flexibility for simple expansion was essential”, comments Waitrose’s electrical services manager, Andy Lowe. “In addition, MINIpowerPLUS has attractive features for maintenance and repair which ensures that these functions can be carried out with no break in the power supply to the load and minimal impact on costs.”
MINIpowerPLUS is a compact, sophisticated modular UPS in which the required output is built up using 1.25kVA boards, mounted in rack or tower cabinets. The units specified by Waitrose have four board slots, and are currently populated with three boards.
MINIpowerPLUS features the unique KOHLER PW paralleling architecture, which means that the boards can be connected for capacity or, as at Waitrose, to provide n+1 parallel redundancy. If output needs to be upgraded, Waitrose can expand within the same footprint to 5kVA with redundancy, simply by adding extra boards. Autonomy is similarly flexible. A further innovative feature is MINIpowerPLUS‘ maintenance bypass switch, which plugs into the back of the unit and allows the UPS to be isolated for maintenance purposes or removed for repair, both without a break in the supply to the load.
“MINIpowerPLUS has attractive features for maintenance and repair which ensures that these functions can be carried out with no break in the power supply to the load and minimal impact on costs.”
Andy Lowe, Waitrose’s electrical services manager
“With this facility, we will never experience an emergency requirement for UPS maintenance. So, in the rare event of a UPS problem, we can call out an engineer during normal working hours without incurring ‘out-of-hours’ costs, and with confidence that there will be no interruption to our ability to trade during maintenance operations.”
“Clearly, any break in power to our EPOS systems is unacceptable”, Andy Lowe continues. “Not only does the MINIpowerPLUS give us excellent inherent reliability, but continues to support the load even if one board goes down. With this facility, we will never experience an emergency requirement for UPS maintenance. So, in the rare event of a UPS problem, we can call out an engineer during normal working hours without incurring ‘out-of-hours’ costs, and with confidence that there will be no interruption to our ability to trade during maintenance operations.
With UPS installations covering the UK, Waitrose could view maintenance as a logistical nightmare. However, with an association going back over a decade, Waitrose has discovered that it can safely leave the problem in its supplier’s hands. “During the initial swap-out contract in 40 stores, we found we could depend on KOHLER Uninterruptible Power to just go in and take care of it. Now, with a contract which covers preventive maintenance and battery care, we’re confident that we can rely on the company to proactively manage our UPS resource.”
MINIpowerPLUS systems are now available allowing expansion in 1.25kVA increments up to 10kVA, and are part of a KOHLER PW range which covers all UPS requirements up to 3MVA. KOHLER PW technology not only allows cost-efficient output expansion and redundancy within a small footprint, but also reduces running costs through high operating efficiency and near-unity
power factor.
KOHLER Uninterruptible Power is the leading supplier of power support solutions, backing its products with comprehensive technical, installation, commissioning and maintenance services, and with an extensive track record in high-street financial and retail channels.